The national tennis association has received word from India's top two singles players, Sumit Nagal and Sasi Kumar Mukund, that they will not be attending the upcoming Davis Cup match in Pakistan. The AITA, taken aback, has chosen to address the players' decision at its upcoming Executive Committee meeting. At number 141 on the ATP singles rankings, Nagal is the top-ranked player from India, followed by Mukund at number 477.
The PTI has learnt that Nagal did not want to play because the tie will be held on grass courts, a surface that does not suit his game style. Mukund has opted out of the matches because of "personal reasons".
Ramkumar Ramanathan, who is most equipped for the tie with his "serve and volley" style, will spearhead India's challenge in the current circumstances. The victor of the tie will remain in World Group I until 2024.
Digvijay Pratap Singh, who made his Davis Cup debut against Morocco in September of this year, will be India's next best option.
Even though Pakistan's tennis team is led by the aging Aqeel Khan and Aisam ul haq Quereshi, Rohan Bopanna has already retired, and India, lacking its best player, Nagal, would not be a clear favorite in the match.
Pakistan have visited India thrice. India have never lost to them in eight Davis Cup ties between the two countries.