At the Australian Open, fearless qualifier Dayana Yastremska of Ukraine stunned two-time champion Victoria Azarenka by storming into her first-ever Grand Slam quarterfinal on Monday. With the help of a powerful serve and forceful groundstrokes, the 23-year-old athlete defeated the Belarusian 7-6 (8/6), 6-4 at Rod Laver Arena.
Her reward is a match against the eighth-seeded Czech Linda Noskova, who advanced to the round of eight after Elina Svitolina of Ukraine resigned in the first set after falling behind 3-0 due to a weak back.
"I need to take a little bit of time to breathe because my heart I feel is going to jump out of my body," she said.
"I always felt like I was running behind the train, but I think because I am a little bit of a fighter that's why I won this match."
Yastremska's previous best at the Slams was a fourth round appearance at Wimbledon in 2019, but she has been in impressive touch at Melbourne Park.